Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para edge out en español


edge out verb

unfavorite favorite
derrotar por muy poco

edge noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
filo (de un cuchillo); borde, orilla, margen; ventaja

Ejemplos de uso de
edge noun

  • They peered over the edge of the roof.
  • The fabric was frayed at the edge.
  • He made us all nervous by standing so close to the edge of the cliff.
  • She sat on the edge of the counter, swinging her legs.
  • the edge of an ax
  • His voice had a sarcastic edge.
  • Her writing seem to have lost its edge.
  • These amendments will blunt the edge of the legislation.
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haber de
hacer trabajar demasiado
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